Persons participating in project implementation:

  • Coordinator: Wojciech Jędraszewski
  • Administrator: Katarzyna Krüger
  • Historical consultations: prof. Janusz Karwat
  • References: Dobrosława Gucia
  • Inquiries, digitalisation, indexation, correction, organisational matters: Aneta Andrzejewska, Magdalena Bartkowska, Walter de Bernardinis, Marcin Borkowski, Barbara Cywińska, Joanna Cywińska, Stanisław Czarnecki, Katarzyna Czepulis-Rastenis, Marta Czerwieniec, Wojciech Derwich, Jarosław Dzikowski, Eugeniusz Forma, Krystyna Greń, Dobrosława Gucia, Marek Hałas, Wiesław Hernacki, Bogdan Jarosz, Elżbieta Jędraszewska, Wojciech Jędraszewski, Ewa Kabat, Leokadia Kaczmarek, Magdalena Koffnyt, Grażyna Kostek, Katarzyna Krüger, Agnieszka Krzymińska, Bożena Kuliberda, Wojciech Lis, Mirosława Marciniak, Andrzej Mieńko, Michał Pawełczyk, Jacek Piętka, Maria Przygocka, Joanna Raczkowska, Barbara Rajkowska, Sławomir Rajkowski, Kazimierz Robaszkiewicz, Ewa Alicja Slomska, Piotr Stachecki, Marcin Urbanek, Danuta Wojcięgowska, Jakub Wojtczak, Małgorzata Wstawska-Wróbel, Leszek Wróbel
  • IT: Maciej Głowiak
  • Graphic design: Maciej Głowiak i Dobrosława Gucia
  • Translations: Magdalena Bartkowska (English), Maria Jeanne Capuno Ksiazyk (French), Wojciech Derwich (German)

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Genealogical Society

Genealogical Society of Greater Poland "Gniazdo" (WTG "Gniazdo") is Polish non-profit and public benefit organisation which supports people discovering their family stories and promotes genealogy in its broadest sense. It also carries out many interesting genealogical and historical projects. You can read more about the details on our website.

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Our list is based on over 600 archival items and publications. Volunteers indexed these documents and combined data about the insurgents into one coherent collection. The bibliographic census is not complete and in the future we will add further studies, enrich the project with new people, so that our census is as complete as possible.

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The Greater Poland Uprising Cross is an award established in 1957 by a decree of the Council of State. In 2014. Genealogical Society of Greater Poland "Gniazdo" has prepared a list of those who have been awarded the Cross, for whom the applications for its award together with the justification have survived. The project contains 23 thousand names.

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